Recognition of Prior Learning

You may be eligible to receive recognition for some or all of the units in your course of study, either through credit transfer or through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Credit transfer means you have completed a single unit, or multiple units, from a nationally recognised training package through a registered training organisation (RTO). This could be a TAFE college, a community college or a private RTO. All you need to do is provide us with a copy of your transcript showing the unit(s) you have completed and a request for a credit transfer.

If you have not previously studied but believe you have the skills and knowledge from your current or previous job role, or from life experience, please talk to us about the RPL process, which may involve producing a portfolio of evidence, being assessed in your workplace, demonstrating particular skills or undertaking a professional conversation with a trainer. Being granted RPL or a credit transfer can help you complete your qualification faster and means you don’t have to spend time studying a subject you already know.

You may apply for RPL or credit for a single unit of competency or groups of competencies up to 100% of a qualification. Read our Learner Handbook for more information about our RPL process.