7 questions to ask your training provider

by Jane Lees – CEO

1. Is the training provider a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)?

The first step is to see if the RTO is on the national register. Simply go to http://training.gov.au/Home/Tga and check if the ‘status’ of the RTO is current. You can also check on the register what courses the training provider is registered to deliver, this is known as scope. It is important to check that you are getting Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) or unaccredited training such as a short course or workshop, if the qualification is not found on the national register, double check with the RTO before enrolling and paying.


2. Does the training meet your needs?

Many training providers only offer online or limited face-to-face classes. It is important to check if training is available in the best mode for you, face-to-face, in a classroom, online, by correspondence, in the workplace, blended or by recognition of prior learning (RPL). Some boutique RTOs, like National Training Masters provide workplace and corporate solutions, where the training is delivered on site for an organisation. Some high end providers also provide one-to-one training by offering customised training and fast-tracking of qualifications.


3. Are the trainers qualified and experienced?

Check the RTO website and ‘meet the team’ to explore biographies of trainers and importantly their qualifications. All trainers and assessors must hold the CIV TAE40110 Training and Assessment. Check with the training provider who the trainers are.



4. What is the feedback from learners and business?

Check out social media sites such as Facebook and undertake a Google search, sometimes testimonials are available on the training provider website. Corporate customers seeking feedback from other businesses about the quality of the training provider will give you an excellent idea of the RTO’s training quality.

5. What support is available?

Checking to see what level of support is available for students is important, including phone, e-mail and face-to-face support. Student support services also include disability and learning support, access to Counselling and Careers Services. A high end training provider will have psychologists and qualified Career Development Practitioners available to students and corporate clients, like National Training Masters.

customised training

6. Is training and assessment customised?

High quality training will ensure that the learning resources and assessments reflect the real world, meaning that case studies, resources and importantly assessments are what you expect in industry. Having the ability to use your own knowledge, experience, even work samples makes learning and assessments relevant. Make sure the training provider customises training, assessments and delivery to your needs.

completion rates

7. What is the RTOs training completion rate?

On average the course completion rates for training providers is around 33%, which means that 64% of students do not complete their course. For online learning, the completion rates are much lower, around 10%. For a quality provider the closer to 100% completion rate indicates the RTO has the majority of their students successfully completing their qualification.

About National Training Masters

National Training Masters (RTO number 91284) is headquartered in the Illawarra region of NSW and delivers nationally accredited, high-quality training throughout Australia. We specialise in customising courses for both individuals and organisations and delivering what you need. In 2016 National Training Masters opened a Western Sydney Training Centre in the Hawkesbury area, in the historic Richmond Toxana Business Centre.

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  1. I really like question number 5 – What support is available? it is so important to get good honest support and feedback. There’s nothing worst as a student to be left worrying about if your passing or on the right track or feel you can’t ask for support if needed. Great tips Jane thanks for sharing.

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